Friday 10 August 2012


Okay, I was playing minecraft today and I thought "Hey, I really want to build a secret enchanting room," And since I was at the time trying to make my house into one made of pumpkins I had to make it underground. I didn't want some mainstream ladder to bring me back up though, I wanted something really cool. So I decided to make a piston elevator, an idea that had been in my head for a while. So I set off making my redstone paths, and while burrowing, night passed. I had to go up twice to kill some zombies that were knocking at my door. I was making space for myself to manouevre  and mined a block over my head. The block happened to have a CREEPER standing on it, so when I broke it the creeper came crashing down and I head nowhere to go and ended up blowing up, along with HALF of my house.


Ummmm. This is a new blog I just thought of making. It's about my adventures in Skyrim and Minecraft, an I might include some other games along the way. I hope that enough people IN blogland actually play Skyrim and Minecraft for my blog to not crash and burn. But yeah, this will hopefully be enjoyable for most people who read it. If I can I will put in some screenshots that hopefully will give you a clear picture of what has happened.